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MCC Collecting Water for Flint Michigan

Monroe Community College is looking to help another MCC and the residents of Flint, Michigan, who are caught in a water crisis.

A bottled water and fund drive is underway, called "Water Wars."

Organized by MCC's Student Government Association, the water collected will be sent to Mott Community College in Flint.

That's the other MCC.

Monroe Community College's Student Government Diversity senator, Kristal White, said they were inspired by the story of two young brothers from Greece who decided to start their own bottled water drive.

"If two little kids can come up with that, then so should we as college students. We should be responsible and try to do something as well."

The goal of the drive is 2 thousand cases of bottled water, plus any monetary donations, which will be used to buy more water.

White says they're trying to partner with someone to help ship the water to Flint.

Otherwise the two schools will work together to make sure the bottled water gets there.

Residents can help by donating bottles of water at MCC's Student Government Office, or by calling 292-2060