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Local Leaders Reassure Community After Xerox Announcement

Veronica Volk

Elected officials and business leaders are reassuring the community, after an announcement from Xerox that the locally-founded business would be splitting into two distinct companies.

Bob Duffy, head of the Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce, says while the future of the company is unclear, any laid off talent from Xerox could easily be absorbed back into the business community in the Rochester area.

"The unfortunate reality of Rochester is that we've gone through these reductions and changes in the past with other companies. We always have the chance and the opportunity to absorb those, and Xerox has immense talent, they have a very talented work force here and, again, we stand ready to help any way that we can."

County Executive Cheryl Dinolfo offered some of the same assurances, and put the support of the county government behind keeping jobs in place.

"Monroe County stands ready to work with Xerox as Xerox works through their transition period, hopefully to protect local jobs and to ensure that both new Xerox companies have a presence here in Monroe County."

Dinolfo mentioned reaching out to Empire State Development and other local leaders to sit down and talk about what happens next.

Veronica Volk is a senior producer and editor for WXXI News.