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Connections: Hidden Passions Series

You probably know that former President Bill Clinton plays the saxophone, but did you know that Angelina Jolie is a skilled knife thrower? And that Pierce Brosnan eats fire and was hired by a circus? And how about former President George W. Bush? He was a cheerleader in high school.

These are just a few special talents of celebrities and politicians, but what about people in our own community? Rochester’s doctors, accountants, and college presidents moonlight as musicians, beekeepers, and quilters. Projectionists write plays, professors restore cars, and optical engineers invent hot sauce.

We spend the hour talking to some of these people and learning about their talents and hobbies. They are part of a continuing speaker series at the Memorial Art Gallery called Hidden Passions. You can apply to speak about your hidden passion here. Our guests:

Megan Mack is the executive producer of "Connections with Evan Dawson" and live/televised engagement programming.

Connections with Evan Dawson

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