Brighton Volunteer Ambulance is celebrating the completion of an 11,000 square foot expansion to its headquarters.
Longtime volunteer and board member Dennis Mietz is the project manager of the expansion.
He says the nearly $2 million used to rebuild, allows Brighton Ambulance to better serve the community at no cost to tax payers.
“We didn’t have to go to the town for any money to support this project. We were able to fund it from donations, police and our own good stewardship over the years to put money aside that we knew we needed.”
The addition includes a larger garage to house more emergency vehicles and additional crew areas for
overnight workers.
Mietz said they made the necessary upgrades while keeping the integrity of the historic building where the headquarters is located.
“The original structure of the house was built in 1930’s. So it was designated by the town of Brighton back ten fifteen years ago as a historic structure in the town. When we did this addition we built the garages to look like a carriage house and they have doors that look like barn doors on it so it kind of fits the whole character of the location.”
There will be a ribbon cutting ceremony in Brighton Monday, but won't be open to the public.