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Diane Rehm says goodbye on December 23

Glogau Photography

After nearly 40 years as the host of her daily radio program, Diane Rehm will bid her listeners farewell.

Diane has decided to step away from the microphone after nearly 40 years as the host of a daily radio program. The two-hour award-winning public affairs and call-in program featured thoughtful and lively conversations between her and many of the world's most distinguished people. Her final Diane Rehm Show will air on Friday, December 23 from 10 a.m. to Noon on AM1370. She will continue to write, make public appearances in support of issues she cares about, and is working on a new podcast. 

The following week (December 26-December 30) will be highlights of some of her most memorable interviews: 

Monday, December 26 -- 1st hour Maurice Sendak, orig air date: 9/21/1993; 2nd hour Peter and Paul, orig air date: 11/5/2015. 

Tuesday, December 27 -- 1st hour Race Hoss, orig air date: 5/25/87; 2nd hour Fred Rogers, orig air date: 12/17/2002. 

Wednesday, December 28: 1st hour Jane Dixon, orig air date: 7/18/2002; 2nd hour Kate Mulgrew, orig air date: 4/27/2015. 

Thursday, December 29 -- 1st hour JK Rowling, orig air date: 10/20/99; 2nd hour Mary Chapin Carpenter, orig air date: 5/23/2016. 

Friday, December 30 -- 1st hour Tim Russert, orig air date: 6/4/2004; 2nd hour Maya Angelou, orig air date: 5/8/2013.

If you would like to share your appreciation for Diane you can post a message to The Diane Rehm Show's Facebook page; tweet to @drshow with the hashtag #thanksdiane; email; or leave a voicemail at (202) 930-1584.