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Cuomo Adresses Presidential Speculation: Flattering, but Distracting

Governor Cuomo, speaking for the first time about speculation that he might want to seek the presidency in 2016, says he finds the talk “flattering”, but he says overtly political talk can be “distracting” when he’s trying to govern and get along with both parties in the legislature.  

“All I’m working is being the best governor I can be, “ said Cuomo. “That’s really, really where I am in my heart, and that’s where I’m going to stay”.

Cuomo says he does not want to be “pushed politically”.

“I’ve seen this movie before,” he joked, referring to rampant speculation about the political aspirations of his own father, former Governor Mario Cuomo, two decades ago.   “And I know how it turns out.”

Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver says he thinks Secretary of State, former First Lady and Senator from New York Hillary Clinton would make a good candidate for President next time around, saying she's a “great talent,” but he says Cuomo is also a “great democrat who is a potential leader.”

Karen DeWitt is Capitol Bureau chief for the New York Public News Network, composed of a dozen newsrooms across the state. She has covered state government and politics for the network since 1990.